I remembered

Posted on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 by KiM

It seems Jo and I have offended some readers by not posting something today about it being Remembrance Day. Frankly, I am offended that I would have to post something to remind people about the purpose of this day. I did not forget. This morning, I watched the proceedings at the war memorial and shed a few tears remembering my grandfather who was a war veteran, and who passed away several years ago. NO, I did not forget.

Bee says:

Hey this is a sour post. Um uh not the tone we are looking for here, especially on Remembrance/ Veterans Day!

Jan on Vancouver’s Poppytalk posted a nice Remembrance day post. The poppy, in all its glory and colour, is not only symbolic but beautiful.

Gregory: Seattle says:

A mention goes a long ways. I lived in Edmonton for a few years, & came to understand that this day is very special to Canadians (it is somewhat similar to Memorial Day in the USA, but much more poignant and poetic). I have always loved the poppy & what is represents. Thank you for the reminder. I send a silent prayer and thank you to all the veterans out there, in past and present.

R.J says:

good for you. we should all have remembered.

Anonymous says:

Oh no…blog politics. How annoying. I come here to look at beautiful pics. If I had a blog, surely I’d be allowed to post or not post what I want. Are people really going from blog to blog checking Remeberence Day posts????

Be offended by something else…. this blog is for beautiful pics!

cynithiaandcelery: Apartment Therapy devoted a great piece to Rememberance Day.


Hope all of you took a moment away from your computer to cherish and offer gratitude for the peace we have today because of what our veterans did for us. I like to think of November 11th as "Thank You Day" for all those soldiers who fought and are fighting for freedom

anonymous – ten bucks ur from somewhere who doesnt recognize the significance of this day! very sad. (it's aint all christmas and thanksgiving you know)
i just don't think the tone in kim's post was called for — THAT creates offensiveness & dirty blog politics/ remarks. Jenny wrote it perfectly on AT. Check it out

paula kd. says:

Why post at all kim?
{even thou i as well as many others appreciate it}

Anonymous says:

What is Rememermerance Day (sp).? Sounds like appreciationn for soldiers dying. i like the poppie flower.

OK everyone it’s time to wrap this up. I’m closing the comments now. Thanks for expressing your opinions.

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