Reader’s home in Catalonia

Posted on Sat, 2 Apr 2011 by midcenturyjo

First Mexico now Spain. Another reader’s lovely home. A fun and colourful family home. Fresh and stylish. Spy some IKEA? That’s the reason why Carmina and her family made the cover of the Spanish IKEA Family Live.  Congratulations Carmina! What a wonderful home! Photos from Carmina’s blog Interiors Originals and IKEA Family Live.

Ryan says:

Great place. Well done.

A very fresh and lived house. Love it!

aracell says:

realmente espectacular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
una casa con mucha vida, practica y original

teresa says:

i am so curious about what's behind those glossy sliding doors with the gorgeous photos of their children. are they sliders? what's in there? a pantry? what?!

Is says:

jejeje Bio me encanta encontrarte tb aquí. Sabes que tu casa me enamora!


Carmina says:

Thank you very much to Desire to inspire to put pictures of my house.
To all of you for your comments, especiall Is and Aracel…. kisses.
Teresa, yes, the closet with the pictures of my sons is a pantry.

Virgako says:

Ouaou!!!!very nice house!!!very fresh!!!I love it!!!

xtina says:

Me gusta mucho. Especialmente el bano. (My spanish spelling is probably terrible, and not accents on the keyboard, I apologize.)

I have been dreaming about that rug for over a year.
– agata.


me encanta el juego de los colores, la combinacion, se ve llena de vida y divertida. felicidades!

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