
Posted on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 by midcenturyjo

The editors of Australian digital magazine Est sent us a sneak peek at their latest edition. In Issue #4 the magazine looks to the Nordic countries for inspiration in a special Scandinavian edition of Est. Go inside the home of Icelandic Interior Designer Rut Kara and Danish homewares maven Tine K. Get to know modern day model turned street style snapper Candice Lake and see inside the home of the original street style photographer Amy Arbus in New York City. Est Issue #4 launches 31 January and I for one can’t wait.

Shubana says:

I love their use of brown tones in all the spaces. I especially adore that pillow in the third image !

Anna says:

That first office space grabbed me straight away. The charcoal grey walls against the gold chandelier is gorgeous! Love those streamlined bookshelves as well.

Brismod says:

I love est. It is my favourite online design magazine. Thanks for the sneak peek. xx

decandyou says:

I like much the first photo. It is an excellent combination of color, coatings, bookshop and interiorismo contemporary with modern chairs and a lamp and office desk vintage. They coordinate to the perfection. Result: elegant, balanced, cozy, harmonic and original in his measured joust.

Wilkinson says:

LOVE the cover! Lucky you that you got a sneak peek! Looks like it will be another great issue. Thanks for sharing!

My goodness! I love the photography and styling of these images. Amazing inspiration!

I'm soooo hanging out for this edition – an Australian magazine featuring Scandinavian design – I think the only thing I've ever seen that comes close is the Ikea catalogue! I've already checked their website 3 times this morning to see if it's out!!

Bill says:

Can you please provide color details for the green bookshelf ..thanks!!

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