One month…OMG. It’s been so much fun but lots of work! The most exciting thing is all the friends we’ve made and all the support you’ve given us. Kim and I only met a couple of months ago on Flickr and look at us now. So the cupcakes are a thank you for all of you who visit and like what you see. Happy first month birthday to all of us! We’re really keen to know where you all come from. Let us know in the comments. Thanks again for your support.
alexandrina says:
Still loving you blog…read it every day!
I’m from Washington, DC
shiso mama says:
i’m totally addicted, and from berkeley, ca.
magpie & cake says:
I’m loving your blog. Happy One Month!
Vancouver, BC Canada
lovely cupcakes.. happy first month!
with love from Singapore.
Laura says:
I’ve really loved this blog for the whole month.
I come from Finland but I’m living in Sweden now.
jessie says:
These cupcakes are so cute! I like the one with the shoe! I am from OHIO, usa. (I wish I lived somewhere warm right now!!!)
Amanda says:
I’m in Sacramento, California, and I check the blog at least once a day (don’t tell my boss!). Keep up the great work!
Samantha says:
I’m in Los Angeles, CA and I LOVE this site. Can’t believe its only been one month. I check it every day, too, and find so much inspiration for my own home. I’m constantly putting your photos in my idea folder. Thank you for great pictures! 🙂
midcenturyjo says:
Thanks everyone for your best wishes. It’s amazing to see that you’re from all over the world.
JR says:
Hi! I just found your blog today and I am getting no work done just pouring over it. Even science grad students appreciate beautiful things and good design. -Atlanta, GA