Woke up this morning Australian time , read my emails, looked at the stat counter…..and fell off my chair. Our hits had gone through the roof. Why? Because the wonderful Heather B. Armstrong had posted us on her iconic blog dooce.
I squealed like a little pig with joy. Kim did too when I told her. Thank you Heather. As a 6 week old blog we are overwhelmed by the support and encouragement the blogosphere is giving us. And a big thank you to all of you who read this little blog. It makes it all worthwhile to know that you like what we do. Now on with more room porn!!
nicole apatoff says:
midcenturyjo says:
Thanks again everyone! We’re just so happy we could burst out squealing again!! Lots of new readers means more fun! Don’t forget if you have pics (they must be sourced) or links to great rooms let us know and we’ll post them for you. Thanks again for all your best wishes.
Moda di Magno says:
Congrats girls! Found you through Dooce! Best regards from Boston.
kat says:
great site! reading from the uk here, also found you through dooce. great idea! love it..keep it up ladies xox
esthela says:
I don’t click on just any dooce link, but this one looked worth it and I was right!
kim. says:
Thanks for stopping by Lori, Kat and Esthela – glad you like our blog!
Postmodern Sass says:
Room porn! I love it! And I’m all verklempt, too, because one of you is Canadian.
danielle says:
This is so great! Congratulations to you girls!
midcenturyjo says:
Postmodern sass Kim will be pleased that another Canadian has dropped in to say hi. And Danielle we need to say thank you. You were one of the first blogs to give us a shout out.
Woo hoo!!! Congratulations to you both!