I am pretty excited to finally have this project finished. My bathroom is the last of the 2.5 bathrooms in this house to be redone. It still needs new flooring but so do the other bathrooms so that’s a project for another time. We’re not planning on keeping this house for very long so we can’t do too much to the house without thinking of resale but I had to go a little nuts somewhere – and it might as well be my bathroom. This cost about $650 – that’s for the sink, faucet, knobs, light fixture, paint, accessories, art, molding around art, mirror, shower curtain…etc. I’m curious to hear your comments.
eric says:
woman, you have exquisite tastes. i love this.
Fiona says:
I love this! You are really talented.
kim. says:
Thanks fiona, and eric, I had a feeling you’d like this.
julia says:
Mom wanted me to comment for her – she LOVES it and she can’t wait to go see it.
kim. says:
Is that just a nice way of saying “What the hell has my daughter gone and done to her bathroom???!!!” LOL.
julia says:
She was genuinely impressed. I was waiting for the “What the hell” comment but it never came…
cardboard says:
My mom would TOTALLY say “What the hell…?” if I created this bathroom in my house. Haha, she’d flip out.
jessie says:
Looks really good. I think after all this work you have been doing to the house you should live there for awhile! 😉
kim. says:
Thanks Jessie, and I’m thinking the same thing…until I want to go shopping and have to drive half an hour to anywhere…
Linda Merrill says:
fabulous! Great job!! Making me thing of re-doing my bathroom… all I need… one more project!