Reader’s house tour

Posted on Wed, 2 May 2007 by KiM

Xingheng Wang wanted to share her fabulously decorated home with our readers….so here is a tour.

Wes says:

Can other reader send you pic’s and you post their home tours???.
I would looove to do that your blog inspires me everyday, its the first thing i read in the mornings.luv ya!

What amazing chairs…

kim. says:

Thanks Wes, and yes, we encourage our readers to send us photos of their homes. And I agree gypsy purple!

peggy says:

I remember seeing this place on Apartment Therapy. I love it. Love the organic elements like the stones, branches and coral. I also really love the Buddha statues and the hanging lantern.

But..please tell me that an animal was not killed making that throw on the Eames chair. I just couldn’t bear a dead animal skin juxtaposed with the Buddha. I am naive, I don’t really know if sheep are killed when we make throws out of their fur.

I am sensitive to this issue right now because I can’t believe the popularity of skins and anteliers.

I am sure this must be faux. In any event your place is beautiful.

Kristen Henderson says:

Oh no. Peggy, aren’t you the one who tried to stir up debate about animal hides, etc. over on Apartment Therapy?
I find it funny that you would have a problem with a sheepskin hide draped over a chair made of leather but not have a problem with the leather.
Cows and sheep are not killed just for their hides. Also, the majority of antlers used in modern home designs are naturally shed antlers. I see antlers on the floor of the woods when I go on walks.
This is a gorgeous home and thanks to the homeowner for sharing. I hope this blog can stay a positive place. If you don’t like leather get involved with PETA. I’m not being facetious, but you should put your energy and aversion to animal products to a good use.

I agree with Kristen, Same person came onto my site bashing my tables, simply because i use leather. Well i’m no vegetarian either.

peggy says:

Kristen, sorry for the offense – dead animals on people’s floors gross me out. I do have a problem with leather and thanks for the suggestion, I will contact PETA. I absolutely love this home and I believe I have said so many times. I defended it last year when it got bashed in the color contest at Apartment therapy. I was just asking about the sheep skin, I wasn’t sure if sheep were killed. Why is everyone afraid of opinions? I read many opinions contrary to my own and I don’t get upset.

I love decor and I love this site. I don’t like dead animals on floors. I love flickr and I love looking at people’s pictures of dogs and cats. I am mystified at how we revere one animal and accept the killing of another so we can walking on it. That’s all.

Jennifer, I have never visited your blogspot (although what a cute name) it wasn’t me who bashed your tables.

Kim and Jo – sorry to hijack your space, it won’t happen again.

kim. says:

No worries peggy. And everyone should feel as though they can speak freely on this blog. Can’t we all just get along?

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