
Posted on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 by KiM

I have been thinking about whether or not to post this for several days now. I don’t usually like to post about me, except maybe my great thrift finds or house renovations, but I have been feeling guilty for the past week and thought I should post a little note to apologize for my lack of comments on everyone’s blogs (and on this blog for that matter). My life has been quite chaotic lately – to be brief, my boyfriend of 6 years and I have decided to take a break, so for the first time in five and a half years, I will be living on my own. In the past week I also found a new house and have been trying to buy it and have been going through hell to do so. I still don’t have the house and am not hopeful that I will get it. So in the next little while, whether I end up selling my current home or not, I’m going to be pretty busy with non-blog-related stuff. I have only had enough time to publish my posts that I prepare on weekends and Jo and I have some blogging commitments coming up that I have to get ready for. So I am pretty stressed for time these days, and my apologies for not being able to visit all my favourite blogs on a daily basis. I’ve included some photos above of some of my favourite rooms in this house…if I end up selling I will miss this place, but I think a change would be really good right about now.

Kim you’re the strongest gutsiest woman I know. Things have been tough but the sh*t isn’t going to last forever. Just wish I wasn’t on the other side of the world 🙁

kim. says:

Just wanted to say thank you so much everybody. I just came home from work and to find such sweet emails has me balling my eyes out (I am really emotional these days). So while I wipe the snot from my nose, I want to say how grateful I am to have met so many amazing people since starting this blog and it’s wonderful to have such support.

On another note, I just put in offer #3 on the house…so cross your fingers!!!

kim. says:

A special note to my blog partner and dear friend Jo, who has gone through a whole pile of her own sh*t lately – thank you so much for always being there for me and for listening to me bitch/moan/cry (on the computer) during all of this. I love you man!!!

Fiona says:

I’m so sorry. Please take care of yourself. Your blog is my favorite, but I think all your fans can be patient. 🙂

dean says:

just wanted to add my support and hugs/high fives…i only recently discovered DTI, but it has become something that i look forward to every single day…

my (very Southern) mother always tells me “Women are just like tea bags, dahlin’. We only get stronga’ when we’re in hot water…”

Oh my gosh, Kim. We are so sorry to hear this, and can personally attest to the fact that blogging takes an enormous time commitment (much more than the average person realizes!), so we absolutely understand your absence.

Take care of yourself first, and take all the time you need. We’ll all be here when you return; you’ve left quite a big footprint on us all.

Love to you,
Design for Mankind

kim. says:

Don’t worry – the posts have been and will keep coming. It’s one of the things that keeps me sane. I just have less time for extra-curricular activities. Dean, that is the best saying EVER!!!! I love your mom!

Hope you’ll do fine, kim!

Kim, I just read your post, I have been a bit distracted lately. My good wishes go out to you, your constant upbeatness and positive energy that spills from your writing, is probably giving you strength now, but I hope you also gain strength from knowing what a positive impact you and Jo have had on a world wide design community. I look forward to being here when you get to the other side of this “adventure”.
I love the saying from the southern mama, all mine said was “get mamma another drink” LOL

kim. says:

I like your mom’s saying too Mark. 🙂 Thanks to you and the KNQ guys for the kind words.

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