It’s been a busy day today. After a leisurely breakfast in the Valley and a browse through the markets (where I found a lovely little brass urn for $5) I came home to start work on hand colouring some chair prints for my….. etsy shop! Yes I’m taking the plunge and opening a shop. Still a week or so away but you’ll know when you see the widget. At the moment my fingers are stained with Windsor & Newton watercolours but I’m making progress. Keep you updated.
kim. says:
YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Jo, I can’t wait for you to get this store up and running because you are so freaking talented and I can guarantee it’s going to be a big success.
drey says:
yay!!!! man i’m excited, fianlly i can order stuff from etsy and not have to pay exorbitant amounts for postage!!!! love that yellow one 🙂
go girl!!!!! i’d love to see your DIY home in person when i pop to brisbane some time!!!!! i love those chairs you did, so cheery!!!!!
btw, let me know if you’re looking for a good deal on printing!
katiedid says:
Way to go, JO! I will be looking for your shop! Keep us informed! 🙂
Ornery's Wife says:
Pretty fun looking stuff!
Susie says:
I just had a look through your flickr set. Are you doing some of those? I love the robots.
Anna says:
Jo this is SOOOOOO exciting! I’m thrilled! I can’t wait to purchase a Jo original! Oh and by the looks of these things you are working on I think I’m going to find it hard to choose!! They’re GORGOUES!
design for mankind. says:
SHUT UP! Shut up, shut up, shut up?! A little piece of Desire to Inspire IN. MY. OWN. HOUSE?!
Jo. I am so incredibly excited. I so want to be your first customer, and CHAIR PRINTS?! You toy with my emotions.
Counting down the days…
Maryam in Marrakesh says:
Those chair prints look like they are going to be faaaaabulous! Great etsy idea!
Another Shade of Grey says:
Is that your peacock poster in the background? How did it turn out?
midcenturyjo says:
Yes it is! But it's the large size that he sent by mistake so I had to trim it to fit a frame I had. LOL. I also got the other one but in small. Haven't framed it yet. Quality is so so as we thought but hey what do you expect for the price. When I get the other one framed I'll take pics and post them! Thanks for the plug on Another Shade of Grey. I really appreciate it 🙂