Leila emailed us some photos of her ultra-gorgeous, ultra-glam, ultra-funky loft and here’s what she had to say: I always fantasized about sending you guys pics of my apartment when I finished decorating it, never thought it would take over two years. I have a beautiful loft in Brooklyn but it has this windowless room that I couldn’t figure out. Basically I went back and forth between wanting a guest room and wanting a home office. Well in February I got laid off from my corporate fashion job and was given a nice severance. My dream has always been to have my own line so that’s what I’m doing. Made the office decision easy! It has been the absolute best thing that’s ever happened to me! I now have a cot in the laundry room for guests. They hate it! So here’s my pics, I’ve gotten sooooo many ideas from you! My style is what we call in fashion OTT (over the top). My mom thinks all the chandeliers make it look like a brothel (I have 12).
What do mothers know anyhow? I think every girl should have 12 chandeliers!! (Thanks Leila!!)
leila says:
should i paint the doors? never thought of that! or stain them darker? ugh every door in my apartment is that wood, thanks for bringing it to my attention! the peony is a photo scanned from a book and printed huge, it's just nailed onto the wall. we had giant printers at my old job, we would use images like this in the showroom. i googled "giant prints", there's a lot of places that do them, here's one http://www.pixeloutpost.com/default.aspx
Renate says:
What a great place! Colourful and bold. My fave chandeliers are the two by the wall with the swan painting.. Yes, the more demure ones. Guess my boyfriend has seriously got my to tone down my taste in colourful interiors…
But hey – I have one of those purple dining chairs, too! Exactly the same… well, slightly different shade of purple fabric but mine needs recovering 🙂
leila says:
i didn't really go crazy til my ex moved out, the swan painting might have been the final straw! my next partner is going to have to be a gay man.
Jennifer Ramos says:
I really like her place….VERY similar to my own STYLE. However here's what I would suggest, a new dining table, perhaps all in white and color the chandelier or make the upholstery on the chair in a cute pattern….but get rid of the purple…i think its too much with that particular table. The table seems to disappear…..I would also add some flowers as a table centerpiece. I would also lighten the wall behind the LARGE white sofa….and add a nice piece of art or a couple large mirrors.
Her office is absolutely GORGEOUS..lucky her to have such great style and room to express it in..and in New York of all places.
Love it.
Jennifer Ramos says:
was just reading Leilia's comment…Too funny…
Anonymous says:
Ok who did the swan painting?!!?
Geisslein says:
WOW WOW WOW! Love it!
sunny greetings from germany, geisslein
Anonymous says:
This is my fantasy land. Thanks for posting.
Anonymous says:
The swan painting is awesome!! Who did it?
Anonymous says:
it's a carpet reproduction of a painting by hernan bas – they don't make them anymore unfortunately