What’s hiding behind the curtain in São Paulo, Brazil? Rodrigo from Brazilian architectural firm Rosenbaum sent us their latest commercial project Nicota Restaurante. Stunning! So many ideas to use in your home as well. Look at that owl wallpaper, the lampshades, the mix of traditional with modern with lashings of boho. Love the vibe coming out of Brazil at the moment and Rosenbaum are at its forefront.
kim. says:
Forget how the food tastes, I'd eat here all the time just for the decor. FABULOUS! I am completely lusting after all the light fixtures.
Hello, darling says:
I love this, its all gorgeous! By the way, I tagged you for the One Lovely Blog award, here are the rules for participation:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
loveseats says:
how wonderful!!ur blog is one of the most useful blogs!! keep posting! dont stop!
Shandell's says:
The lighting is wonderful, creative and whimsical. This has inspired me for some creation of my own.
Amy says:
Wow – that is awesome how they mixed everything up – looks great!
Angela Henrie says:
That place is extremely cool! I would go there in a heart beat!
Sara says:
Great restaurant! Love the wallpaper and the mix of old and new too.