If you’d like to send us photos to include in next week’s “pets on furniture” post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so both pet and furniture takes center stage. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture…and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. For example, if it’s REALLY dark or fuzzy (camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to desiretoinspirekim@hotmail.com) **NOTE: I will be out of town from Thursday to Monday so there won’t be a pet post next week but feel free to send along entries for the following week’s post.
“My boyfriend Charles Brill and myself have a gorgeous 5 month old ragdoll kitty named Larry David. We have taken a bunch of pictures I hope you will find fit in your pets on furniture post. Just to mention, the chair and the bed in the pictures were made by Charlie who is 1/3 of the design group rich, brilliant, willing (www.richbrilliantwilling.com) – you may have seen their stuff around.”
– Merrill
“From the city of Philadelphia I am sending you this picture of our Miniature Schnauzer, Owen on our new Saarinen table. He has been scratching at me all day to get up on it. So I finally let him up and of course he posed for this adorable picture.“
– Gretchen
“My little chi-weenie dog Chuy climbs up on the throw pillows on any sofa and sleeps there, he’s a little old man-13- so we just let him. My husbands cat-Tommy- is huge (no, not fat, hairy and really big)and lounges where ever he wants to.“
– Lorijo
“I miss Tique like hell, she went to doggy heaven last week. She was my cuddle parther for 13 years, and she loved to make herself comfortable all over the house – much to decorator-mom’s dismay.“
– Krista
“I would love to post this picture of my big boy Copper (he is a Goldendoodle) on a chair that was my Grandmothers. It is a chair carved out of the trunk of a tree. It is such a cool piece! He fits just perfect in it and he loves to sit in it and look out the window.“
– Kristen
“Here’s my pomeranian Luna doing what she does best, posing pretty for the camera!”
– Kristen
“Here is a picture of my parent’s dog, kioshi, on our sofa. we were pet sitting him and this was his spot.“
– Brandi
“The file attached is a picture of my dog liz lu on a chair she isn’t allowed on but she loves it so much, that when’s my mum isn’t here she sleeps on it all day! she is an amazing dog and likes to watch the world go by from this spot.“
– Amy
“Smokey was reunited with her throne after 5 years. She took to it quickly.“
– Matt
“Here’s a picture of my step-cat Special getting the footstool I had just reupholstered nice and furry. (The stool fabric is from ikea and the cushion covers on the chair are fr west elm).“
– Krista
“Attached are two pics of our long-haired dachshund, Zuzu. When she’s not being a tumor and following us all around the house, she’s hanging out on the couch. She always seems to be posing, ready for her close-up. We call the second one her sorority pose!“….
Thought I’d send one more pic for your amusement. When she’s had enough of my wife and I, she’ll go into “her room,” which is really just the space beneath the couch, for some privacy. Not knowing how long she is, she always leaves her back legs and tail sticking out! We have to pretend we don’t know where she is 🙂
– Peter
“All our furniture pretty much belongs to our pitbull and two cats – we humans just have to squeeze in around them.”
– Noe
“This is my car Trevurr basking in the afternoon sun! – how could I not submit for the Pets on Furniture post!!“
– Camilla
Elizabeth says:
Amazing furniture and even more amazing pets 🙂
P.S. I love this site, keep up the good work.
BelleOnEarth says:
Oh … how cute
Raina says:
Camilla!!!! There’s Trevurr!
Jill says:
You know I am not an overly fastidious person but the thought of animal bottoms on my furniture ( my bed, my pillows! ugh) leaves me cold.
Gotta say the pictures are cute though.
oregonbird says:
Please, please find out where that mural came from! It’s incredible.
midcenturyjo says:
Cute overload per usual! I think the "mural" is actually a large artwork. I love it too.
Blandwagon says:
I’m with Julie and oregonbird: where is that huge painting from?
KiM says:
Camilla told me the mural is actually a painting titled "the Gods contemplating the fate of the universe". But unfortunately that’s all I know about it. (Perhaps she painted it?)
maitrijen says:
I love the painting too! Here is the tour of Camilla’s house @ apartment therapy in Sept. 2008. Looks like it may be a painting from a student.
Camilla@Designalogue Blog says:
Thank you all for the painting love!
As Kim said, the painting is called "the gods contemplating the fate of the universe" & was painted by a guy called Reagan Mayer. We found this piece to be rather unique & fabulous & have loved loved living in its brilliance for the past 8-9 years!!
Its hard to see in this picture, but the background of the table is covered in notes the artist had made through out his study for this piece – much reading to be had & hours of entertainment! Has to be said, my dinner parties are not short on for conversation with this as the centerpiece!!!