Sometimes, well increasing more and more, the day rushes by with little more to mark its passing than stress and frantic attempts to meet deadlines. Sometimes you need to pause and quietly take in something beautiful. Today stop and enjoy the stunning portfolio of photographer Laura Resen. Her work transports you from the hectic and everyday to a world where all is well… and well designed. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but in this case it’s through the lens of a talented photographer first.
Georgia says:
God I love that first photo- looks like a room I could just plonk myself into,
Rae says:
How much do I LOVE that rug in first photo!!!
Katherine @ Grass Stains says:
OH, those black doors … SWOON.
bridget says:
I love her home but its the chinoiserie wall treatment with the blue midcentury credenza that just kills me. Gorgeous color.
giovanna says:
i like that kitchen, and i also love that top room…it’s kind of messy and cluttered, in a good way. it feels stylish and homey at the same time.
Sandee says:
Congratulations on being in the Times online top picks of Design Blogs!
KiM says:
Lucas – I am no expert but they don’t look structural to me as they aren’t touching the ceiling. For decorational purposes it’s a wonderful way to add an architectural feature to your home.
Thanks Sandee!!
NYCLQ says:
CONGRATS on being in the Top 10 of the Top 50 Design Blogs on TIMESONLINE UK!!!
I'm a newbie and just started in November. Your blog is BEAUTIFUL!!
I am now a follower… ThX 4 sharing!
😀 Lynda
sagitta says:
Uwielbiam tego bloga !
Lucas says:
Thank you Kim, I thought so