If you’d like to send us photos to include in next week’s “pets on furniture” post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so both pet and furniture takes center stage. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture…and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. For example, if it’s REALLY dark or fuzzy (camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks!
“Just wanted to share two pics with you…One of the cat on a rainy day and the second of Chili Pepper the dog… We have a little round table behind the sofa where we eat and she always sits just like this hopin’ and prayin’ we send a tidbit her way.”
– Jennie
“My best friend Rasmus in the Ikea chair. Or, the cat chair 😉
This cat, Ippi does not fit so wel in the chair but she loves it 😉
The cat Ippi loved to sleep under the old oven…One day we got a new oven…. Sorry Ippi, you cant stay there….”
– GundaM
“i just thought the pets on furniture feature was too cute, so here is a pic of my italian greyhound, pelle. she has a tendency to climb all over everything and everyone in our apartment… and always gets away with it.”
– Kareena
“Nessie is always on some piece of furniture, she definitely thinks she’s human.”
– Rena
“Nixon, chillin like it’s his job. Anything to have his head up. This guy totally owns the place- who could tell this face no.”
– Cara
“Greetings from Singapore! I have attached pictures of my cat, Pinky, atop my SMEG fridge. Pinky’s really a he, even though his name suggests otherwise. He was so small when we found him and he had such a thin coat that his pink skin was showing. ‘Pinky’ therefore seemed appropriate at the time. Pinky’s no sissy though and he sure makes a point of that, with his penchant for jumping atop fridges and bouncing off walls.”
– Michelle
“Our 80 lb dog, Joey, basically rules the couch. He occasionally lets us have a tiny spot too, but only if we are prepared to love on him!”
– Sabrina
“I know you have already shown him….on a chair…But he just keeps doing it, and worse…kicking santa off. Dayum!”
– Linda
“This is my little man, Osker, who is usually the ‘good kitty’ in comparison to his devilish and destructive sister. I’ve recently discovered that he is the reason nothing grows in my window planter, a mystery that had confounded me until I caught him lounging on it in the sun.”
– Laura
“This is the beautiful Minke on one of my gorgeous Nicola Cerini cushions.”
– Miranda
“A quick snapshot of my new puppy decked out in holiday garb, lounging (more like paralyzed with embarrassment) on the couch, and my coat and hat for that matter.”
– Nicole
Cussot says:
Must be Rudy, the red-eyed sled dog.
31everything says:
Cute 🙂 I am all smiles looking at these photos 🙂
adloussopy says:
cute pets…
LaurA says:
Very, very funny and cute photos, thanks for sharing!