A reader named Robin emailed us recently about some photographers based in Austin, Texas whom she knows and thought we might like to share their work with our readers. I thought I’d start with Ryann Ford, who specializes in architecture, interiors and travel. In the first three years of her career, Ryann had the best job imaginable -she lived out of her suitcase while working with Resorts and Great Hotels magazine, photographing hotels all over the world. Sounds like a dream job to me. Jealousy aside, her photography is spectacular and it seems Austin has some pretty hip and happenin’ homes…(Thanks Robin!)
Lo says:
Me too MRS!! That is the exact shade of gray I’ve been searching for. Any guesses on the color, anyone??
Gorgeous rooms!
Ottawa alternagrrrl says:
Wow – I have been looking for a vision for my basement bathroom reno – and now I have it. So so so beautiful….
To Lo, I can`t guess the colout but Farrow and Ball has the most beautiful greys. My main bathroom is Elephant`s breath.
Btw, while I enjoy Dwell magazine, I wanted to share this little link with you all. Only click on it if every once in awhile, say maybe on a Friday, you like your decor with a little sardonism thrown in….. http://unhappyhipsters.com/
KiM says:
I was on that site for the first time yesterday Michele – LOVE IT!!!! It’s hilarious.
I painted my living room and kitchen floors Pigeon Grey (BM) and while it’s not quite as dark as those walls maybe the colour above it on the card is close. (See here)
Christine says:
I just had to add this to my inspiration sites folder- love the big white art wall. These shots are all so beautifully lit- amazing light!
Lauren says:
Does anyone know where to purchase the white circle dining chairs or ones similar? Thanks!
peggy says:
OMG I adore that gray dining room!
Sarah says:
Just incredible. This house makes my heart sing!
sasha says:
unreal .., beautiful! thanks!
milla says:
oh i looove all these pictures, beautiful rooms!!
mara says:
I love everything in all these images and wish to live there now please. Perfect mix of functional, clean, bright, arty and inviting.