I’d like you all to meet Thiago.
Thiago is a 27 year old from Curitiba, Brazil, and he wanted to share his home with our readers. He decorated his home with vintage and industrial items and he did it all on his own. I think he’s done an awesome job turning this into a hip bachelor’s pad. Congrats Thiago! (To all the ladies out there reading this post – better make sure your S.O. is not within viewing distance of your monitor or you may need to replace your grandmother’s antique rosewood hutch with a tool chest, or you’ll find a beer sign propped on your buffet where your Chinese porcelain ginger jar used to be).
Ingrid says:
I usully to visit this site all the time. I’m from Rio de Janeiro but I live in São Paulo. We have a lot of options to decoration here.
I’m very happy to see a brasilian guy here. Congrats to Thiago and Desire to inspire.
Parabéns Thiago! Lindo apartamento!
Terri Conrad says:
scrumptious! this sofa is a must have!
ewa says:
great job Thiago! at first sight i realized its a male’s place but its also cosy and really sentimental decorated.
i wish more guys had such a good taste as you!
laurie says:
This is actually a great job for a bachelor’s pad! I’m impressed. Good work, Thiago! And a cutie, too!
Cris Turek says:
What a surprise, Thiago. I was looking around and suddenly a "curitibano" shows up on a post. I’m Cris Turek, I am from Curitiba too (living in Nordeste now) and writing a blog about crafts. I’m very proud too see a curitibano guy with so much good taste and position. Congrats, and hugs for you.
Cris Turek, from Brazil.
Laís says:
puxa vida!!! Fotos da casa de um brasileiro, e o melhor de tudo: de um curitibano!!!
Adorei a sua casa, Thiago!!! Realmente linda!
Claudia says:
love that desk!!!
Evan says:
Who makes the dresser on the casters? Very nice piece.
Ingrid says:
soo coool!!!
do you have orkut or facebook?
Jaqueline says:
Vc montou o cafofo sozinho mesmo?