I’ve been asked several times to show what I came home from Puerto Vallarta with. Besides a wicked suntan, some jewelry, 3 tops, a pair of pants, 3 pairs of super cheap and funky sandals, a bag, a few Spanish shelter mags, a lime squisher and a big bottle of vanilla, I brought back a few things I thought you guys might be interested in (yes, shopping was a high priority on this trip). Keep in mind I only brought one suitcase with me with as little in it as I could possibly manage so there wasn’t much I could bring back. A few of these items I bought with someone you know in mind (sounds like Bo).
Christina Diaz says:
PS- I forgot to say how shocked I was at how much you were able to fit in a suitcase!! I think you might secretly have the original Mary Poppins bag!!
KiM says:
Erin, that’s pretty much all I brought – and a couple bathing suits.
Those zipper expanding suitcases are a godsend. 🙂
Thanks Christina! I have a Nikon D80 and several lenses (35 mm, a 60 mm, an 18-135 and a 70-300) and I use my very limited knowledge of Photoshop CS4 to do some post-processing.
Kat says:
Quick question on the bark painting, since I have a similar one, do you have any suggestion on the type of frame to put it in or color? Mine came (from the thrift store) in a wooden frame that has been painted white. Whick works I supposed, but the rest of my art seems to be a bit darker in colors and the frames are more of a dark wood. I’m just trying to think of ways to make it work cohesively with the other art I have aquired.
KiM says:
Kat, since your other art is in dark wood frames then how about painting the frame a dark brown? It would pick up the dark portions of the bark.
Kat says:
Hmm looks like my last post didn’t post, but I was wondering if you had any framing ideas for the bark painting? The one I got at the thrift store came in a plain wood frame painted white and it’s fine, but I feel like there has to be a better option out there. Also, the rest of my art seems to be a bit darker in color and the frames are darker too. So it doesn’t exactly feel very cohesive.
Kat says:
Ok guess it did post….maybe I should go get another cup of coffee…
Maybe I’ll pick up some brown paint at the craft store today and if it that doesn’t work, black could always work I suppose and pick up the black in the painting.
alexandra keller says:
i live in Tucson (over 5 years now) & i still haven’t made it to Mexico. silly isn’t it? i should just go for the shopping!
Jenny says:
I’m in Puerto Vallarta right now – please share where to go for all these great finds?!!
KiM says:
Jenny – see stores in these posts.
Mapiurka says:
so so beautifull! the mirrow….