Friday has already finished for me. I’m 14 hours ahead of Kim. Sweet bliss to be finished with a working week and now I’m off to eat too much curry at a favourite local restaurant. Yum! So please excuse me if I just put together a quick stalking post. I’m still wandering the streets of Paddington in Sydney. Peering through virtual windows and daydreaming about how I’d rearrange things, a bit more colour here, a few more cushions there, change the rugs and art, more art. I do love the large blue artwork in the family dining room though and could easily live with that courtyard. Dream on girl! Go on… what would you change? Is it perfect in its calmly elegant monotones or would you throw it all out and start again? Link here while it lasts.
A dream house for Trish says:
What a nice home. i like it although Im not a fan of the modern kitchen, something that complimented the front of the house would have made me swoon!!!
Sammy says:
Agree, lovely home but staged. Skylights and front of the house are just lovely.
Stacey says:
Just love that first pic! Great outdoors!
RLG says:
beautiful, fresh and modern in an older home. when can i move in? great stalking! xoxo
Erin @ SYL: Slipcover Your Life says:
To each their own… I would rather have a brighter splash of color but if this works for them, then cheers to it!
Pascale says:
Thats my old house! The one I grew up in! They have changed quite a bit but it still looks the same as well. Going to the open house tomorrow and am v excited. So amazing to see it on your amazing blog.
Erika @ Practical Princess says:
This is a beautiful home!
Tanya says:
So much open space and that skylight…wow!
Trina Cottrell says:
I love the window seat in the fourth photo. Also, I am amused that you posted a link from someone’s real estate sale. I go through those all the time to see what is out there, haha!
Blue Penguin says:
I think this might be just the most perfect house *ever*. I have wanted to live in a terrace house in Paddington for as long as I can remember… and one with multiple window seats and an attic would just be too good to be true. Pascale, what a great place to grow up in (changed or not)…