If you’d like to send us photos to include in next week’s “pets on furniture” post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off…and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it’s dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to desiretoinspirekim@hotmail.com and PLEASE don’t send me closeups of your pet!)
Lots more after the jump!
“Here is my Kranksy (part dachshund). He loves to be with me every part of the day and follows me around from room to room.
1 – he is sitting in my study
2 – on my lounge.
both pics show him staring out the windows, hoping he’ll get a walk.”
– Tiel (Brisbane, Australia)
“This is Zooey, our three-year-old super-soft cat.”
– Whitney
“here is jackson our 3 yr. old pup lounging on our bed (headboard from west elm, duvet and shams from target and letters from anthropologie)”
– Joanne
“PHOTO #1 pic taken in paris. dogs names are Jessie & Atlas. loving their fav vintage chesterfield.
PHOTO #2 dogs names are Boss & Atlas. another fav vintage chair
we have 3 dogs, each take turns sharing chairs with each other, super cute.”
– Samantha
“Here is my Mazsi ( Plum ) laying on my fav dark red sofa 🙂”
– Racz (Hungary)
“I know I have submitted pictures before of my Millie and Ozzy, but thought I’d send you another couple. These may be the last of our “pets on furniture” submissions as we have implemented a “no furniture” rule so we can get new sofas in the near future. However, these boxers do love to snooze on the sofa, so it’s been a challenge. The first picture is of Millie. She’s always sleeping with one eye open. The second picture is of Ozzy and he just loves to rest his head on something…anything, a pillow, the arm of the sofa, a shoe, etc. The third photo is one I caught of the two of them sitting on my Poang chair. They usually don’t get on it because it bounces so this is a rare shot.”
– Kat
“I love your Pets on Furniture features you do on Mondays and wanted to share the attached photo of my cat Mercedes enjoying the sun on our Sacco bean bag chair.”
– Corrie
“Meet Oliver (10 Year old White Poodle) and Eiffel (10 Month old phantom poodle)”
– Margaret
“This is Freddy, obviously having a difficult time relaxing on our leather couch. You can see a glimpse of Ginger on the overturned back cushion on the left. They are two of the reasons we have a leather couch.”
– Debra
Gina says:
Oh My if you could hear me laughing over the boxers and the last one of the beagles! My lana dog does the same every morning.
I will be sending hers in soon.
Thank you for the Monday hoot!
Deb says:
It seems my week just isn’t the same if I don’t have my Monday dose of "Pets on Furniture". Thanks to you both for an inspiring, cheerful (and useful!) blog – and, of course, for the pet photos on Monday.
Deb (an Australian living in Mendoza, Argentina)
Fat Cat says:
Seeing these has been the most fun I have had all day (yeah, it’s been one of those crappy Mondays…) !!! Thank you very much everybody for sharing and of course to DTI for posting 🙂 Long live Pets on Furniture 🙂
bobbi says:
I must say the boxers are adorable!!!And i love Kransky in the first photo beacause dogs with an ear up and one down are my favorite dogs.
Karen J says:
I laughed out load when I read that Kat was implementing a ‘no furniture’ rule with her Boxers, Millie and Ozzy. Good Luck Kat! I think it’ll be very hard to say no to those two beautiful faces.
Priscilla says:
I want to know how Kat does with her no furniture policy as I have just acquired a Boxer puppy. Keep us posted Kat?
Kat says:
Hehe we have compromised with the little rascals….they get to sleep with us at night, but have to stay off the sofas. It’s working alright. They are very smart and catch on quick. Although, I know for sure if I am not in the room they make themselves right at home on the couch. Their faces are just too adorable to deny all furniture-snuggle-time.
Priscilla, good luck with your pup. They are wonderful dogs…full of love, affection and LOTs of energy! 🙂
turlonik says:
I love part "Mondey’s pet on furniture"!
Regards from Poland!
greg says:
I would love to enter my dog into this contest, but he virtually violates the rules by his nature.
"And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet."
He’s a mastiff mix and he dwarfs any piece of furniture, there’s no way the furniture could take center stage…
KiM says:
LOL – greg, send along photos anyhow now that I’m dying to get a glimpse of this monster. 🙂