Can I live here PUHLEASE?!?!

Posted on Thu, 5 Aug 2010 by KiM

I found this home on Contemporist and had to re-post it here because I am completely in awe of the architecture. It’s mind-blowingly AWESOME. And inspiring because Jeff and I are in the process of researching architects for the work we want to do to my ok OUR home and I would love to something even one iota as creative as this. The space was created by Spanish architect Héctor Ruiz-Velázquez and is the attic space of an early 20th century building in Madrid. It’s composed of several different levels and angles yet it’s continuous which makes the space appear much larger than it is (it being all white helps too)….and frankly, WAY more interesting. It’s just plain NEAT-O.

mon says:


Elisa says:

I loove it, might need a more private bedroom though and totally loving the wall of round mirrors!

It might be a bit too spare for me, but love the mirror grouping in the hall. I always love taking simple objects and getting enough of them to make a ‘collection’.

Yuck! says:

I think it’s awful. Plus, I have weak ankles and fall over walking on flat ground. I would definitely break my neck. And I’m not even stupid!

Stephanie says:

Wow, I can’t even tell if some surfaces are higher or lower than others! :S

bb says:

um… sorry, but the portrait of a mass murderer is not exactly the most inspiring thing I can think of… but then maybe it’s just me :/

Mr. Daddy says:

I’ll bet you anything the upper level creaks and moves…and in a few short years will be the first level. Can you imagine, "Honey, don’t get freaky tonight…the property value, the property value?!"

nic says:

come on, people.. just because you can’t imagine or have the imagination to live there (without falling, breaking bones, and having other kind of accidents like mentioned in many posts) – is it really that difficult to be appreciative of the beautiful space and the creativity and imagination that went into creating it? This is not an easy space to execute .. I think, it is truly inspiring and very unique .. plays with more than one element in all the different heights/levels and it’s use of light throughout all the openings.. my head spins, if I think about creating a model for this or drawing this :)… and – in general,we get very used to the spaces we live in, furniture placement, distances, heights etc. .. if we actually try, work on our awareness, when moving through the space.. it might take a bit more work there, but it is definetely possible ..

lucy says:

completely agree with nic, why is the focus on falling over or the possiiblity of hurting yourslef within the space. The design is mind blowing, i’v never seen anything quite like it and such an imaginitive use of a difficult space, he’s really used every inch to maximise the usabilty for the home owner. i agree placing a somewhat controversail picture in there not nessesarily great but, on the whole a beautiful and intriging space, would love the chance to walk around it and explore every level a picture is easliy taken down and replaced and bars or glass could be used to prevent any accidents!

Esme says:

Interesting use of space and an ingenious mezannine level although I agree with posters above – there's something a bit sterile about the whole place – throw some colours in there and I'm sold!

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