As I’ve mentionned a couple of times, my husband and I have been doing a bit of research looking for architects to help us plan the additions we want to make to our WAY too small and WAY too boring home. Our cat-sitter used to live on a street a few blocks from us where there was one of the coolest yet simplest homes I’ve ever seen around Ottawa. We recently saw the home in Ottawa Magazine and found out it was designed by local architect John Donkin. It’s 1700 square feet and his client had 3 requirements: a garden, a visitors’ apartment, and a strong street presence. The visitors’ apartment is cantilevered sideways over the lot which creates a shaded area in summer and a covered parking spot and sheltered entrance in winter. The mix of materials on the facade is exactly what I’m looking for and the kicker is the front of the home (iron?) has rusted over time and turned the most beautiful deep orange shade (second photo found on the blog Move That Bus!!!).
john says:
It isn't iron, but CorTen Steel; the rust it forms becomes a protective layer, preventing further degradation.
RLG says:
Wow. I didn't mean to drool all over the computer. Stunning pictures. Great post. xoxo
Makeminemid-century says:
Fantastic homes! They're enough to make me feel ill! I love them.
PriscilaPetersDecor says:
Interesting homes. I loved every image. Great post
Jeff says:
Nice, honest, straight-forward architecture. I'd love to see some warmth and personality introduced to the decor of these spaces. Minimal and modern can be wonderful when it reveals the character of the people who live in the house.
Kevin D says:
Yes it is CorTen…John is right. Remember though, a tree is always a tree – try your best to build with wood!
Annie says:
Desire to Inspire is a constant source of pleasure – I can't tell you how much I appreciate the work you do here. I look forward to your postings every day. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
(Now off to scour JD Architect for a few obsessive hours!!!)
Ruth says:
I agree with Annie. And I showed this post to friend visiting and she said "ouch, the desire level makes my stomach churn" Never heard inspiration put in those words before! Great job, John.
Morella says:
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! 😀
Simon says:
Hi Kim,
Great blog, and thanks for the reference to my blog.