Toying with space. Deconstructing floors and walls and reconstructing a big communal space. Old facade and new internal configurations. Is it thinking outside the box? Floating and fusing and looking just a little like an Escher print. House and studio transformed by Zecc Architecten and Studio in Rotterdam.
Amanda says:
Dear Jo, I was wondering if it was possible that you do a walkthrough of your WHOLE house? I would sincerely love to see your bedroom, kitchen, study, bathroom, etc too.
Love, Amanda.
Deb says:
Very interesting as an architectural exercise, but…. could anyone actually live in it?
Chari says:
Ofcourse someone could live in it! I could! It would be GREAT FUN! …like living in a fantasy architectural world… with lots of squares and boxes that you could add round accessories and fluffiness to.
The Craft says:
I have become infatuated with this blog! Another great post, what an awesome house. Reminds me very much of a friend of mine's old house…very cool.
The Craft
petra voegtle says:
An absolutely magnificent makeover. This house is really fascinating and entertaining. It reminds me a bit of an adventure playground only that this is for adults not for kids. Always something different to see around the next corner.
The only thing I would be a bit worried about is that there are many sharp edged corners – not something for someone who had a bit too much booze – lol ????
DH says:
I've met the house of my dreams…
Evelien says:
Wauw, this is really fantastic. I like the black on the outside!
Leigha says:
The textures, materials, and finishes in this home are to die for!