Today’s reader request comes from Hillary: “I’ve recently been gifted a Corbusier chaise lounge. (I know, right?) It’s fantastic, but I’m really having a hard time incorporating it into my existing surroundings. My partner and I have been living together for about 6 months now and because we’re in India (not my native place) and I moved here two years ago with only a backpack and he’s living on his own for the first time after college, we have no other furniture. Well, not none. We have Indian mattresses spread on the floor covered with pretty fabrics for seating, and an old door (surrounded by more mattresses) for a dining table. How can I start to meld these two seemingly polar-opposite styles? I think what will help is that soon I am inheriting an old chair and pouf from my boss that I can reupholster and paint black. Do you know of any good examples of successfully combining something so high-modern with a surrounding that is so… not high-modern?” Talk about a SWEET gift! (The first photo below is of the chaise Hillary is referring to). What I really love seeing in spaces is a mix of different styles because it’s unexpected, interesting and quirky. So perhaps most people would not think to pair a Corbusier chaise lounge with Indian mattresses, but WORK IT GIRL! I would do something like this: Pick up a couple small sheepskin rugs (faux if possible) and throw one on the mattresses and one on the chaise. Stick a pile of Indian covered pillows next to the chaise, then add some simple modern side tables on either side of the mattresses (Kartell Componibili storage units would be cute). Something along those lines, where the Indian/ethnic and modern items are blended together. Based on that idea, below are some photos of spaces that made me think of your dilemma, where I can see both that chaise and Indian mattresses/fabrics working. (Hillary, do send us photos when you think you’ve got it figured out – we’d love to see what you come up with.)
Living Etc.
The Selby
Sköna hem
Bolig Magasinet
Jordi Canosa
Mail Online
Mlinaric, Henry and Zervudachi
Nuevo Estilo
Sköna hemIna & Matt
The Selby
Tripod Agency
Lori Dennis
Roman and Williams
Tripod Agency
Bev65 says:
i should have her problems LOL. all I ever get in the way of hand me downs is of the Early American-Lately Ugly variety. What a sweet dilemma! I look forward to seeing the posting of the results of her effort to integrate the lounge chair-should be awesome and inspiring. SOOOO jealous!
Missy says:
To Hilary:
I agree with Tom. When you collect stuff that you love, they will all come together. Because of the stiff price tag, it took me years to bite the bullet and get myself an LC4. My other stuff are mostly oriental and I have this oversized sofa which I got years ago and would like to keep simply because it is so nice to lie down on. BUT, somehow, I think my tiny living room somehow came together.
My pictures are not good enough for desiretoinspire … but do have a look … hope it helps:
Lourdes says:
i love all the inspiration in this post! i would love to have been gifted such a chair, but if you don't love it…
holland says:
Kim, thank you for saying "faux, if possible" about the sheepskins.
Sheep do not vote for being skinned, nor subjected to the painful practice called "mulesing." The great thing about faux is, it never suffers. ; )
lala says:
beautiful, beautiful pictures! jut the inspiration i needed!! thanks!
lala says:
anybody konws where i can get that lamp from the 13th picture!??
i have dreamt about it for such a long time
Natalie Singh says:
Anybody know where I can get the lamp or shade from the 2nd picture?! That shade is to die for!
Lin says:
This is a fabulous array of photos. Thanks so much for putting it together.
Priscilla says:
Great pictures, thanks.
Good luck in the decorating dilemma!
Mix what you love, sell what you don't love. It's worked for me for years. Well, that and having a decorator as a friend who can force me to edit 😉
jinxie says:
For Corbusier — lucky duck — you want to get the words right. It's "chaise longue," meaning 'long chair.' ( You pronounce it 'chaise long.') There's really no such thing as a chaise lounge. All the best to you !