Excited by the the latest book from Richard Powers and Dominic Bradbury to hit the shelves – New Natural Home published by Thames & Hudson with French & Hungarian editions also available. “New Natural Home is a far reaching survey of some of the most enticing and eco-friendly homes from around the world. These are houses that are beautiful, well designed, flexible and that will inspire greener ways of living. Combining practical information, wide ranging texts and beautiful photography, New Natural Home is all about the next generation of pioneering, seductive and sustainable houses.” If these teaser shots are anything to go by it looks gorgeous! You can grab a copy here.
meenal @ maison marigold says:
It looks very promising indeed…the ceiling in the second image is just amazing…and that deck with the most awesome view!! thanks for sharing, Jo!! xx meenal
xym0x says:
I'm with you Jo! already pre-ordered mine, but it's hard to cope with the April 12 release date – what a drag 😉
Christina says:
The view from that living room is making my heart pound. Am I seeing that right? The glass panels turn and leave that entire wall open? Wow, definitely could not have children, pets, or tipsy people in that room.
Relatable Style says:
Oh my. Those glass panels that open open the whole wall? Unbelievably amazing. And what a view. I think I'd sit there all day with a drink in hand, let my bare feet dangle and watch the sun paint light and shadow on the trees down below. So beautifu it's almost unreal.
alex says:
It looks like from Twilight 😉 love it!