A cool bachelor pad

Posted on Wed, 23 Mar 2011 by KiM

My brother-in-law Dave is always sending me links to homes that he has spotted on various websites, in the hopes that one day I’d find one worthy of blogging about. Well, I’m finally blogging one. He found the home here, but it was originally featured in New York Magazine. It’s the 2100 sq ft Brooklyn bachelor pad of “Blue’s Clues” star Steve Burns, designed by Mesh Architectures. I love the industrial feel, the exterior is totally rad, the catwalk on the second floor (inside and out) and the private courtyard. A home worthy of the pages of Dwell mag, if it hasn’t already been featured there.

Nancy says:

I love this cool pad – contempory, modern – earthy and warm – what a great mix.

Georgia says:

All that space ( indoor and out) in Brooklyn! what a fantastic place!!!

Rosecakes says:

So cool. I love that he's outside in the courtyard balancing the chair on his head!
I would stay put there too! It's awesome.

Dear Girl says:

i love this pad!! I can see my self, esp my 2 boys living in this place…the interiors… but not the neighborhood….
It is absolutely relaxing and neat!

jonmacdeesign says:

winner! bachelor with teenage son has found inspiration for his bondi home at last!…….. many thanks

Susan says:

I too love this place. I've lost count of how many times I scrolled up and down trying to figure out the floorplan. I want to see all the unaccounted for spaces too! One thing though. Wouldn't you need terribly long arms to reach that alarm clock in the morning?

romana says:

awesome space, but so totally distracted by the scrape marks on the floor in pic 4 – do you think they moved the sofa from against the wall??? (so sad I got distracted by such a little thing, I know 😉 ).

KiM says:

LOL – romana, I noticed too!!

anne says:

I walked passed this house last weekend and thought it was so cool!!

Gabriela says:


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