If you’d like to send us photos to include in next week’s “pets on furniture” post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off…and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it’s dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to desiretoinspirekim[@]hotmail[.]com and PLEASE don’t send closeups of your pet!)
Here is a photo of my bunny Carabine (rifle in french) on a sofa that’s been in the family for almost 50 years now… I’m presently mastering in archaeology, probably because I like old things so much.
– Justine (Montreal)
1. Charley + Henry (the two Labs) belong to Landon Cole, a local furniture designer in Los Angeles. I met them when I photographed his showroom last week, and they completely stole my heart.
2. Vivian belongs to Sherry + Dana Solomon, who own 22 Bond St on La Brea Ave. This photo was taken when I was testing the lighting at their home, during a house tour.
3. Tucker belongs to architect Steven Shortridge. I photographed his Venice Beach home last month, and Tucker was equally as important to every aspect of the home.
4. Leah and her husband have just welcomed their new baby, and their family puppy (Otis) now has to share the spotlight.
– Bethany
Here is a picture of our loveable scamp, Ziggy, taking a load off on our leather couch. He is technically not allowed on the couch, but this particular expression was so pathetic, I decided to let it slide.
– Meagan (Grapevine, TX)
This is my kitty Graffiti on a chair I found on Craigslist and had new padding added and reupholstered in vintage tweed. In my favorite obsession worthy green of course.
– Rebecca
i am a lover of all things vintage & dog! i am an animal advocate, rescuer & pet photographer in houston, tx. these are some photos from various clients. i love my job!
– Robyn
1 – As soon as the four poster in my bedroom is freshly made up for the day, it seems that Tilly and Oliver, the Scottish terrier members of our family, just know that it’s nap time !!!!
2 – But on this particular morning the one thing they did not know was that Tamale was lying in wait !!!!
3 – We had just finished setting up the new West Elm linens on the antique sleigh bed at our daughter’s home in Austin, when Scout, the calico cat, decided that– Yep, these will do just fine !!!!
– Judy (New Iberia, Louisiana)
This is Greta my 5 year old frenchie. I live in a spanish style house in Seattle. The first photo is a chair from a pullman train car that dates 1930. The second photo is a chair I got at an antique sale and a pillow I
got in Thailand.
– Kelly
Please see attached Maxwell hanging out on what was my favorite and is now his favorite chair. The living room is a Moroccan theme with lots of warm red, orange and gold tones.
– Gwen (Brooklyn, NY)
Scout is a Vizsla and enjoys his time on the antique kilim upholstered chair. Dreaming of birds and rabbits, no doubt!
– Jill
I am a faithful follower of Pets on Furniture and have wanted to send a photo for a while, but it has been quite difficult because my hound, Ruby, is so reluctant to a) be photographed at all, and b) be caught sitting on a piece of furniture. This lounge is the only piece of furniture in our entire 5,500 sf house that she will sneak on to. It is in a guest room, so she did not got caught until we had a house sitter stay while we were out of town! She’s getting on in years now, so we allow her this small indulgence, and keep a towel on the lounge because she sheds.
– Cyndie (Nashville, TN)
Fatguts is at it again. He really does believe he owns the place. I know this is not strictly showing off any furniture – it’s more just the top of my desk – but it does illustrate how fatty likes to sprawl across the desk, laptop and digital tablet while I am on the compu.
– Andrea (Northern NSW)
This is my cat Sokrates and his furniture. We two used to look at “Monday’s pets on furniture” together – love it!!! He died a month ago – missing him so.
– Barbro (Sweden)
topaz says:
Barbro, my son named our cat Socrates and this is the first time I've seen anyone else whose cat had that name. Our guy is a Siamese sweetheart lap-cat. Yours was such a handsome guy!
beachcomber says:
what a cute pets on furniture post!
Jenny says:
all adorable. thank you, this feature brightens my day.
emy says:
The animals are not so cute, at least not all of them, but the furniture perks it up. The idea is lovable, I watched the other episodes, too…
Julie says:
Aww what a great collection! My favourite is the dog on the pinstriped chair.
Ron Burns says:
These are great. I have been painting dogs on furniture for years. I believe ALL dogs should have a home and some furniture to hang out on. I did a series called Couch Pawtatoes in 2009:
Design Fixation says:
One of my favorite parts of surfing the blogosphere is running across images of homes in which pets have snuck into the photo. I'm sure some of them are placed there intentionally, but my favorites are those with pets that have clearly snuck in right before the shutter is snapped – mischevious little guys! My puggle likes to do that….
Reitxu says:
Lovely pets!
Deborah says:
Great, great stuff. Someone once posted a comment here that your great design blog was spoilt by the pets element you chose to incorporate … Monumentous raspberries to them! I love that you combine such exceptional design taste with your love of animals. You manage to keep it REAL in a world that can at times be so far-fetched.
Dog Names says:
I like these pet pictures, so adorable!