Isil’s bedroom corner

Posted on Wed, 27 Apr 2011 by KiM

This is one of a few posts I’ve got ready to publish through out the day. I think I am so stoked to finally have time to devote to the blog again instead of studying that I thought I’d get a whole bunch of reader submissions done. This first one comes from Isil of the blog decologue. She lives in the Lower Normandy region in France and wanted to share a photo of what’s next to her bed. The artwork is a present from an architect friend. The hanger is from Casa, the necklace is made by my mum, the bedside table and lamps body are from flea markets, i painted the table to blue. The rug is composed by 4 small mats that i bought each for 2 euros. The lampshade is from Habitat. So cute!!

So sweet…love that a lot of the items are second hand! And what an inexpensive yet chic rug.

sweet little vignette…
gorgeous blue table..

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