Why are the Swedes so good at getting it right? Casual yet stylish, comfortable and cozy, family focused and perfect for entertaining friends. Yesterday’s apartment prompted Anna to send us a link to her sister’s home which is currently listed for sale. What a lovely house! What a shame to be selling! I’m sure that the owner is heading on to greener pastures but still…. imagine leaving those posts and beams, the rustic floors and ceramic stoves. Love the open plan living, dining, kitchen with clever central storage and the attic! Swoon! I’m seriously thinking of immigrating to Sweden.
P.S. Anna’s sister is called Linnea and you can see more of her lovely home on her blog Linneas Blommande Värld.
Rachael @ Roco Rennie says:
I am such a sucker for white walls and wood. LOVE it~ this so refreshing yet homely. x
Kathryn says:
BEAUTIFUL. Absolutely love the tones and light and textures.
Rachel SFBAY says:
This is 221,000 in US Dollars? Dang, tempting to start browsing job sites there…. and of course learning Swedish.
eclectic revisited says:
this farm house has a more contemporary feel, bringing the home into this century yet maintaining some of the wonderful charms of a time when the pace of life was a little slower…beautiful home….
Kristian says:
Oh yeah, gorgeous. Gotta love the wood-burning stove!
Anita - Comfyheaven pillows says:
oh really beautiful…love the soft furnishings , the cushions, the white room with the fresh, warm, light and airy feel. I have been trying to get this same feel for my own home. Absolutely gorgeous!
daniela says:
I love this house, though I think there are too many dead animals on the floors jk. its beautiful
white collar | green soul says:
i love the contrasts of the wood and the white… beautiful spaces.
Karin says:
Yes, 225 ooo US Dollars – but valdemarsvik is a small city and not exactly the centre of the universe. Houses like this around Stockholm probably goes for just over a million US dollars!
Alex says:
This is what my house should look like. It's breathtaking. The hardwood floors are to die for!