One minute I love modern…and the next minute I love rustic. Every now and then I come across a home that has both, but this home is pretty much the extreme of what is modern and rustic. It is located in Jaffa, Tel Aviv and from what Google translator told me, it is at least a century old and has been restored and modernized. I am taken with the juxtaposition of the stone arches with the polished concrete floors and sleek cabinetry and furnishings. (via Mimdap)
cabbagerose says:
kitzieg, the rug is the Mangas rug by Patricia Urquiola. stunning, yes?
KitzieG says:
Thanks so much cabbagerose!
oregonbird says:
So… I'm alone in thinking that it doesn't work. That's okay, I'm used to it! At least it doesn't feel like a desecration – more like a photographic double-exposure.
Mezzanine says:
Gorgeous!! Love!
LightDot says:
It doesn't work for me at all.
Great space, great light. Modern minimalist approach is a good design choice but the execution lacks imagination and I find most of the spaces dysfunctional.
In a nutshell, great architecture, terrible interior design.
Jessica says:
I love the stone walls, it feels like a light-filled cave 🙂
lea says:
I'm with Oregonbird, seems like spaces are very contrived, not a livable home.
jja says:
Amazing place. Just amazing.
Mabelzzz says:
S-t-u-n-n-I-n-G…… No plants in sight. Bare… Raw.. Yet it works!
barbara joseph says:
indeed truly amazing, and every home needs a heart, it reflects the innermost, so I whish the owners to have that peace if heart.
Peace be with you!