I figured Monday was the perfect day to blog this, as I have a dilemma involving a cat and I really need help.
Over the summer, our next door neighbour Steve developed cancer. It wasn’t long before it got really bad. We haven’t seen Steve in a while, and last we heard he didn’t have much time left – so we’re assuming he has since passed away. Steve had 5 cats and his family trapped all but one and took them to the Humane Society, where I am guessing they were all put down (the shelter here in Ottawa does not have a no-kill policy and his cats were not friendly to anyone but their owner). The one left was “accidentally” let out of his apartment a few months ago and we’ve been feeding her ever since. But with winter here being awful (over the weekend it was -30 C) we couldn’t bear to see her freezing outside anymore so 9 days ago we trapped her and put her in the only room we have available – a 5’x5′ windowless bathroom.
She has really come around in the past week but she is really not happy stuck in that bathroom (she hasn’t been to the vet yet so we can’t let her near our cats). It did not take her long to get used to us and now I pet her every time I go in the bathroom to visit (although she is still a bit “feisty”) – which is fairly often because she meows frequently. As soon as I go in there with a book to hang out she shuts up and curls up typically in the sink and goes to sleep. It’s heartbreaking.
We were in contact with a cat rescue organization (who lent us the trap to catch her) but they are not offering to take her in – seems they are full to capacity and due to the freezing cold weather many of the cats have respiratory infections and passing it to each other. We don’t know what else to do. We already have 7 cats and there is NO WAY I can handle another one. (We have 3 cats on meds, and had a vet come to the house the last week to check them all out and give them shots…to find out 4 of them need dental work done. Total for all this being somewhere between $3000 and $5000). We can try and take her to the SPCA in Quebec that is a no-kill shelter but I can’t bring myself to do that just yet.
So if anyone in the Ottawa area knows an organization that has room for one more cat, or knows anyone that might be willing to take her in, please email me at desiretoinspirekim@hotmail.com. We’ll pay all her vet bills and whatever it takes to get her ready to go to a new home.
KiM says:
Nina, thank you so much for the offer to help financially but I don't feel right accepting donations. All I ask is that you say a prayer that someone out there is willing to adopt her.
Nina says:
I will do that and hope she finds a kind loving owner.
MaryK says:
As my veterinarian says, "They know who to find." This is a beautiful story despite the tragedies involved. Perhaps this cat bears a special message. She gazes in a gorgeous way from her picture. Blessings to you for everything you are giving her, including compassion.
jja says:
I have cats myself and they were rescues and I admire how you took this cat in..and was a bit of shocked how much all costs. We just had dnetal work and all shots for two indoor cats and it costed like 100 € all together.
I would like to help but am too far away.
Stephanie says:
I'm in Montreal and can't adopt her because of stupid apartment rental rules, but I shared the link on my Facebook to all my friends in Montreal & Ottawa areas. Fingers crossed she finds a good new home, where she can become a purring confident kitty.
Georgina says:
It breaks my heart hearing about animals like this. She is such a beautiful cat. I hope you find her a great home, poor creature
KiM says:
UPDATE: To my absolute delight and relief, today I received an email from a reader named Dom whose parents might take this poor kitty – and if not Dom has offered. But we're awaiting confirmation on this (a meeting by my hubby and I is required) and she still needs to get to the vet. YAY!
(I'll keep you all posted)
Cris says:
Hi Kim,
great news!
please, keep us posted.
Julia says:
Did you find a home for kitty?! This broke my heart – she reminds me so much of my own cat Max who my partner rescued from the shelter. We love him to bits. Keep us updated?! Purrs… Julia
KiM says:
Update coming in a couple of hours.