
Posted on Thu, 2 Feb 2012 by midcenturyjo

Beautiful, beautiful Blenko glass in all colours of the rainbow. Beautiful, beautiful photograph by Keith Scott Morton. Just wish the clown would go away. Just saying you know. Coulrophobia. If this was in a magazine I could fold the page just so and make it disappear.


AGREEEEEE about the clown. Hate them! <<shiver>> But otherwise, it's such a lovely concept. Each piece looks to be of the same collection/style, rather than a flea-market-find Gaggle O' Glass, which is a refreshing twist.

Lokanin says:

Fantastic colors on glass but clown on the other hand…..

peggy says:

Hi Jo! I was thinking the same thing! Love the white brick, love the glass collection, hate that clown.

Love that collection! And the white painted bricks – great room.
Thanks for the Thursday inspiration!!

Beautiful! It's look like Murano items! Beautiful pictures 🙂

Nadine says:

I'm surprised that I don't love this more… I think that it's the different colour lids on the glass bottles. Lol at the clown comments. I had a childhood friend that was petrified of clowns. I think that dolls can be creepier! Have you ever been to a house that has a huge doll collection? 'shivers'…

Ann says:

Weirdly it's submarines that give me shivers. I have to leave the room when they're on tv. Loving that room and my long leisurely read – fabulous blog. A x

Louise says:

You can photoshop the clown out, easier in digital photos lol I don't like clowns either but I hadn't noticed it until I read you. I was mesmerized by the bottles 🙂

Damon says:

it's actually not really a 'Blenko' collection as only 3 of the pieces are Blenko – and to the person who didn't like the stoppers, don't worry, they are not original to the bottles, the collector just added them on, in many cases where original stoppers were missing

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