Reader’s home – Frances’ gorgeous pad in Queens

Posted on Fri, 10 Feb 2012 by KiM

Back in ’09 I blogged a project of New York based interior designer Frances Herrera. She recently sent along a new project (that I absolutely fell in love with) that is near and dear to her heart.

This home is located in Forest Hills, Queens, New York. This project is my pride and joy as it’s the home I share with my husband. When we purchased the apartment, it was in serious need of a makeover. Being a pre-war apartment, It has lots of charm and character along with lots of years of “wear and tear” and needed some updating. The renovation took  3 months which included replacing doors and moldings, sanding and custom staining floors, installing new ceiling lighting, painting and lots of other odds and ends. The overall result is a contemporary, serene environment, that feels peaceful, fresh and inspiring. It’s a perfect neutral canvas where I can showcase my art, collected objects, and test out accessories and looks for my residential design projects.
My most favorite aspect of my home, which is the main reason why we purchased the space,  is the southern exposure which fills the apartment with beautiful light that is critical for me as an interior designer. I can never have a bad day in the space, it’s my ultimate sanctuary!

Meg says:

Ok-LOVE that apartment!! Favorite touches-the zig zag black and white rug and the horse photo!! Spectacular!!

Georgia says:

this apartment is gorgeous! LOVE the dark floors. And forest hills is a rocking neighbourhood to live in (we lived down the road in Kew Gardens for a few years). I would move into that apartment in a flash (of course, I'd have to sell a few kids, but I'd be ok with that)

rooth says:

Oh the horse print is beautiful – the apartment is so feminine!

see says:

OH Yum! Could you *please* share the wall paint colors?

Garrett says:

That chest of drawers is the real star. I assume it's an antique, but I would love to know more about it. The hardware on it looks lovely as well.

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