You may remember a post from January this year that featured photos of an albergo diffuso. A stunningly beautiful series of hotel rooms in caves scattered down a slope in Italy. Today I fell in love all over again when I revisited the now fully up and running website for Sextantio Albergo Diffuso at Le Grotte della Civita. Can such a special place become even more special, more beautiful, more stunning the more I see of it? I am smitten. This is definitely a must see (and stay) spot on my wish list. The hardest thing would be choosing which grotta to stay in. Then again there is another albergo diffuso in Abruzzo… but that will have to wait till the next post.
Dominique says:
Magnifique !!!!!!!! cela ressemble un peu à l'Ardèche en France….
Glitterati says:
Well, It's not the place I would like to live, but for a holiday or sth it's perfect 🙂
thewickedgrape says:
Mamma, che bello! Stunning.
This is actually in the Sassi (sassi = rocks) part of the town of Matera, in the region of Basilicata. It's very close to the region of Puglia. There is another famous grotta (cave) town called Gravina the is nearby. It borders on a beautiful national park called the Murgia.
The interior style is really similar to the free-standing stone trulli and lamie that you see in Puglia (not sure if it's just Puglia – that's just where we've seen it).
LOVE IT! Thanks!
karolion says:
Justyna says:
total dream space.
beschuit met aardbeien says:
Absolutely stunning. A once in a lifetime experience surely.
diane says:
Crazy! My colleague Rudston just returned from the Sextantio property in Santo Stefano completely in love. With the property & the knitting Nonas.
jen says:
After seeing your original post I became infatuated with this place. My husband and I will be staying here next week. This post just adds to my excitement.
Sugie808 says:
Great place! I could see my husband and I spending a month there and painting the landscape.
Care to trade for a place in Hawaii? 🙂
Nikki says:
Chose Italy for our holiday last May so we could stay at this cave hotel, it did not disappoint, amazing place and friendly staff, beautiful breakfasts and Matera was lovely, I would recommend it if you want a romantic unusual hotel, fabulous.