Another real estate stalking to end my posts for the working week. See you can live large in a small space! There is something cute and youthful about this bijou apartment. Perhaps it is because a cool look has been achieved with not much money. 42 square meters. And it’s up above Bourke St in Surry Hills, Sydney. Just a short stroll to so many of my fav Sydney spots. Link here while it lasts.
Steph says:
Going to Tweet this, love how it's colourful but not cluttered. Just goes to show you, less isn't always more!
Love the rug too!
Kat says:
I actually had a look at this place. There are a lot of really cute small apartments available in the Surry Hills/Waterloo/Alexandria/Zetland area that you could do a lot with. Some great ones in Hunter St, Kensington Mews, etc. This little place has character though. Not sure I could live in a flat that is so small!