My twin sister sent me the link to the architecture and design firm of Incorporated, based in New York, and the heart palpitations began the second I started peeking through their residential portfolio. These guys are the shit. Seriously. This apartment they call bohemian, is the coolest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I don’t even know where to begin. Its space after space of awe and wonder.
Let’s start with the dining room, and the birch sliding screen. It’s a work of art in itself and the perfect backdrop for the rough wood table. And then to mix things up unexpectedly, a couple granny-ish wing chairs. And if that wasn’t enough to stop your heart, an Adelman fixture rounds off the space.
The owners must REALLY love their kids, because there is a playhouse in the middle of the apartment. And it’s wrapped in the infamous Cole & Sons Woods to make it look like a tree house. *insert big smile here*
*insert even bigger smile here* This is my dream room. A retro niche to sit back and enjoy a book, swathed in Orla Kiely’s multi-stem wallpaper because having such a niche wasn’t cool enough.
CHECK THIS OUT – that room at the back at first glance looks like a kitchen…turns out it’s the CRAFT ROOM! No words…
Fantastic living room with piano painted to blend in with the wall (take note everyone who has ever emailed us wondering how to decorate around their piano).
LOVE this little office niche.
LOVE this little stove niche with pop of pattern and colour for the backsplash.
Bedrooms are for relaxing, and this one does the trick. Beautiful panels as a headboard.
Freaking GENIUS idea of a graphic tile stripe as a backdrop for light/mirror/sink. I need to copy this in a bathroom ASAP.
These children’s bedrooms are so creative and fun it almost makes me want to have kids. Or go back in time 30 years.
AB says:
gobsmacking! truly original and inspired!
P.S: sorry to be a kill joy but how do they keep the place clean with so many tots running around! :o)
Janne says:
inspir@lia says:
OH… MY…GOD!!! Your description is perfect – it really is "the shit"! The best house you've ever featured on here!!!
And by the way, if anyone in Australia is wanting to buy the Cole & Sons "Woods" wallpaper – I'm in the process of setting up an eBay store selling it heaps cheaper than anywhere else in Australia (because I'm horrified at how much wallpaper costs to buy in Australia!). Check out my blog for updates on when it will be available –
Jeff Flemings says:
Hands down, the best thing you have EVER posted. Thank you so much.
That wood wallpaper actually makes creative sense here, unlike anywhere else I've ever seen it used.
Katie says:
This house is amazing, I want to live there! I'de settle for just the Study Nook & Kids 'cubby' as little modular pieces that fit onto the house we have ; )
AB says:
…spot on Jeff Flemings, that was my instinctive reaction! For once I actually like that wallpaper! As you rightly say "makes great creative sense" and totally justified. The designers have rescued the wallpaper from utterly inappropriate and naff usage I have seen thus far….
Shannon says:
This is fabulous! Thanks for sharing! I must have that Peace Globe! Found it at
Patrycja says:
Playroom in the leaving room – this is fantastic idea – allows parents to keep an eye on their kids, yet provides space to keep toys in order. (or at least trying to keep them in order)
rooth says:
YES to the tree house. I want one, even as an adult
Tracey says:
I am totally gobsmacked! AWESOME ROOMS !!!!