As promised, a look inside the virtual covers of New Style Generation Gen.Two by Iben Ahlberg & Niels Ahlberg. If possible even better than the first in the e-book series, Gen.One. Beautiful homes, beautiful images. As Niels explains, “In Gen.Two we have collected some really great homes – not exactly main stream style wise, but still very Scandinavian with great inspirations. We have joined a couple of stories from some of Danish interior designers setting today’s agenda of the main interior styles in Scandinavia in the book too. All features still coming under the heading: ‘Cosmopolitans, Wilderness and Vintage’. 90 pages of beautiful impressive photos you can zoom into for a closer view, in this interactive book.”
If I could crawl through an iPad screen I would. Anything to live in these amazing homes.
betinah luna says:
loving the book collections. says:
Thanks for sharing. Many inspirational pictures here. French Chalet is super cool. Rustic modern.
fizelj says:
Dead animals???? Living on a graveyard, are we?
kl says:
love all of these images! eclectic and individual! x kl