Richard Leplastier is a significant force in Australian architecture and education. His is a gentle force though. His buildings respond not only to the physical site but the spirit of place. A simple but deeply meaningful relationship to home and land and culture. Angophora House is in Avalon, Sydney, home to a builder who has crafted other Leplastier designs. It is not often I stumble upon such gems while real estate stalking. A series of pavilions sits gently on the slope in intimate contact with a grove of Angophora trees. Relaxed and natural it is none the less highly designed and carefully formed. At one with its environment. Peaceful. Gentle. Beautiful. Link here while it lasts.
maja says:
Absolutely fabulous!
loulou ste-adele says:
Very very inspiring. I am keeping these pictures for sure.
Ve says:
A bit too 'all over the place' for me but I do love the clerestory windows, the wide plank wood floor and how much natural light is in the shower. 🙂
Megan says:
Wow – I have always loved the idea of separate spaces connected to the outdoors, it just takes a perfect climate…Perfection!
Ruth says:
"gentle force". I really like that phrase for this home. Gentle force is going to be my mantra for awhile!
11E says:
FANTASTIC!!! The very best Japanese inspired house I've ever seen. This architect knows Japanese architecture and their living very well. Honestly, amazed.
lin says:
I have always loved the title of Marguerite Duras' novel Whole Days in the Trees. This is where I would like to spend whole days in the trees.
lin says:
I'm not sure if the architect would agree or not, but this house reminds me of a traditional Thai house even more than a Japanese one.