I think the idea of layered rugs is graphic and unique, but although I’m sure the space above was styled just for this shoot, wouldn’t that be beyond annoying? Your chair getting caught on one of 5 rugs while you try and get up from the table? And OMG how do you vaccuum all these??? (…that’s the 7-cat owner in me spazzing at the thought). Via Kristofer Johnsson.
Vic @ Cush & Nooks says:
I like the effect of layering rugs, but there a few too many here for my liking. I agree Kim, looks kinda cool, but just wouldn't work in real life. Two rugs layered and staggered looks fab! x
Vic @ Cush & Nooks says:
I like the effect of layering rugs, but there a few too many here for my liking. I agree Kim, looks kinda cool, but just wouldn't work in real life. Two rugs layered and staggered looks fab! x
Vic @ Cush & Nooks says:
I like the effect of layering rugs, but there a few too many here for my liking. I agree Kim, looks kinda cool, but just wouldn't work in real life. Two rugs layered and staggered looks fab! x
Vic @ Cush & Nooks says:
I like the effect of layering rugs, but there a few too many here for my liking. I agree Kim, looks kinda cool, but just wouldn't work in real life. Two rugs layered and staggered looks fab! x
Vic @ Cush & Nooks says:
I like the effect of layering rugs, but there a few too many here for my liking. I agree Kim, looks kinda cool, but just wouldn't work in real life. Two rugs layered and staggered looks fab! x
Cyn says:
Beautiful danger. Although, I could see a few of these done up as one awesome patchwork rug.
KMP Modern says:
The layering effect does look way cool. I like the graphic approach and the use of blacks and grays. And I think it would be a pain in real life. However, I was at a friend's house who did lay lots of small rugs down on marble flooring to protect her toddler. So, it is done in real life too! Thanks for sharing!
Deco Review says:
Looking nice. But as you said cleaning can be a pain
peggy says:
I like the idea of making a patchwork rug of these. But no way could I layer them, I'd trip over them constantly!