What is hiding behind the straight laced period facade? Not quite what you think. Melbourne based Nixon Tulloch Fortey Architecture has created an extension that pushes the possibilities of this historic home. Its open plan with bright colour flashes in the new while the renovation of the existing house provides contrast with its dark, rich palette.
deon marais says:
carolm says:
Love your website! Lots of inspiration for potential future home. But I do have a question, after looking at these lovely exterior doors, are there no bugs in Australia??
Andrea from Adelaide says:
Wow l love everything about it. Yes we do have bugs in Australia – lots of them!!! Looks fantastic but totally impractical having open doors like that.
Åsa says:
Love it!
Mark says:
LOL! Bugs…there aren't as many around in melbourne, only really in the ultra summer months and theres lots of fancy anti bug things you can install now…like zappers and other things that draw them away and such. But yes…impractical. haha
Great house otherwise, different mix of finishes compared to most new australian renovations. Love all the concrete.
steve mawson says:
Shame about the hideous concrete bunker tacked on the outside at the back.
That much nonsense for a chimney stack ?
+10 for the architects design to that point, -9 for his/her insensibility to design ethics for that.