I stumbled upon this fabulous home recently designed by Eon Design, an architecture and interior design firm based in Melbourne, Australia. I love the layout, with the kitchen, dining and living rooms at the back of the house overlooking the gorgeous backyard. My favourite feature is the long, low windows in the dining space. I’ve been dreaming of having windows like that in my next house so that all the cats can sit and look out without needing to be on my furniture. And I’d love windows that shape up close to the ceilings as well, so we get light in but keep nosy neighbours from looking in (the joys of living in the city). (Photos by Christine Wood).
ARTiculate Style says:
Great home – I really found it an interesting design element of giving an "ankle height" view of the dining room from the outside….just enough privacy but not invading it. Also loving the patio too!
Maria@urbanBUNGALOW says:
Oh my gosh I LOVE non-standard window cut outs and this house has a few. The first couple of photos with the glass at floor level are divine!
Karen Hartley Interiors says:
Loved the patio! so beautiful, fell in love with the windows too!
AMR says:
One of my favourite spaces shown on here. Ever. I am a linear person. Totally love this.
And the light captured in those evening exterior photos – wow. Christine Wood, your photos are superb.
Just WHAT is in the water in Australia?? 🙂