This home, located in Tel Aviv, Israel and designed by Axelrod Architects is all about concrete. It’s EVERYWHERE. A little too cold perhaps? I think so, but with some walls clad in wood and some wood flooring (I’d even welcome a bit of carpet) this is one sweet home. It may be cold and minimal but it’s got ALOT of windows to keep things bright and warm. I love the long narrow window above the kitchen countertop, and the different levels of the home keep things interesting (love the floor #’s on the walls in case you weren’t sure where you were).
oregonbird says:
It's a war bunker. Even the child's room is decorated in cute little killing machines. I approve of concrete, I love industrial, and while I acknowledge that brutalist, as an architectural form, was a psychological disaster, I do still find it a grand statement … this is something else. Chilling.
Diane says:
Love, love, love! – And I also love how there are so many expressions in the world – something to suit everyone 🙂
Kris says:
The spacial layout is great but the lack of color makes the place feels gloomy and depressing. I can't imagine living in such a place day after day.
Stine says:
What a sad, no, scary, kid's room.
cabbagerose says:
ooh, i could get warm and fuzzy in this home…gorg.