At this time of the year severe electrical storms are a daily feature where I live. I’m racing a roiling storm cloud as I type this. Please excuse me if I don’t stay on too long. I’d hate to fry my computer. This Northcote, Melbourne house is by FMD Architects and the garden by Eckersley Garden Architecture. Oh that lightning strick was a bit too close. I’ll have to leave you to stalk this house by yourself. Link here while it lasts.
lovelldeco says:
very beautiful house, the decoration is very clean, i like it!!
Simka says:
Wow, great interior, just perfect!
Christy says:
Gah! Hubby and I are hoping to put a bid on this house at auction – it's even better in person. It doesn't need any extra advertising!
Annie says:
Good luck to you Christy, it's a beauty. I love the blend of old and new, not something that is always done well but in this case it's superb.