Just when I think I’m over green I come across an image that has me all green with envy. Love this photograph by Carolyn Barber for House & Garden.
Love it, I'm slowly painting every room in my house green, its so relaxing to wake up in. Its only taken a few months but the same color is now filtering into my painting. That pale jade color is lush.
Green is the color of balance and harmony, that's probably why I like it so much. Tiffany Green to be precise.
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Gillies Art says:
Love it, I'm slowly painting every room in my house green, its so relaxing to wake up in. Its only taken a few months but the same color is now filtering into my painting. That pale jade color is lush.
caridad isabel barragan says:
Green is the color of balance and harmony, that's probably why I like it so much. Tiffany Green to be precise.