Here is a little bonus project of Laplace for you that I found very intriguing. This 18th century derelict farmhouse in Somerset, England was purchased by Iwan and Manuela Wirth of Hauser & Wirth art galleries who wanted a place for private guests of the gallery as well as space for art installations. Luis Laplace had a gem on his hands to work with: In what is now the kitchen, a fake wall was dismantled to reveal an enormous hearth fireplace. Faded lineleum was covering flagstone floors. When builders began peeling back layers of paint they uncovered pale pink, dusty blue, sea green, and these colours became the colour scheme. It is magical. (Set to open July 15)
Aga says:
i like this! different and less polished than the interiors you usually show, but so inspiring!
oregonbird says:
Oh for heaven's sake! What a barrel of monkeys. Or badgers, at least. Someone say pax!