I’m not sure why it is happening. Is it because I’m getting older? Am I just jaded? Maybe fads and trends and “it” rooms are finally exposed as fleeting and flimsy. More and more I am drawn to homes that are an eclectic mix of high and low, found and inherited and carefully saved for pieces. Lived in and loved. Not showy and vulgar. Homes like this one on E 10th St, New York by Studio MRS. The new luxury is taking the time to surround yourself with what you love not what everyone tells you you need.
Ulf G Bohlin says:
Think that was a stylish, yet quite conventional – with some really cool features. It serves the end result of keeping the color scheme greyish. Neat!
Ulf G Bohlin
San says:
Lovely, even more so since I have that chair in the third picture. 😉 I love it and have it in my hallway (though with a different fabric). I wished I could have a kitchen like this. And I love the fact that there is more graphic art than large scale abstract paintings. I prefer graphic art myself and am always on the lookout for it. These days it is hard to find, since most of the galleries are selling paintings.
I prefer homes like this too. Those clean reduced spaces are nice too look at, but I think they are missing the soul of the person who lives there. This place above has the soul.
Joshua says:
Jo, I have followed this blog for over 5 years now and over that time, like you, for some inexplicable reason my taste has migrated from bold, minimal and perhaps "flashy" on occasions, to an eclectic mix of items reflecting my life, friends and travels. Your commentary feels like it has been ripped straight from my thoughts …. (but more eloquently expressed!!!). Thanks for your blog and (always) insightful commentary! JP
Joanne Verkuilen says:
Similar to Joshua, I am a long-time reader and something about this post struck a chord. Timeless, elegant but personal. This is what I yearn for, not the latest fad. I've made many mistakes in my personal decorating lately in trying to follow someone else's sense of design, to try to do the "cool" and funky thing. It comes across as disingenuous… but worse yet, I get sick of it quickly and it feels cold and unemotional.
Thank you for this post…this has brought me back to my roots.
Jess says:
How beautiful!
lisa says:
" I am drawn to homes that are an eclectic mix of high and low, found and inherited and carefully saved for pieces. Lived in and loved. Not showy and vulgar."
So tired of cookie-cutter decor. I love looking at homes that real people own and have made their own. Personality is key.
Ombia says:
I love that kitchen!
Dining nook looks too dark for my taste…
And contemporary. clean style can have soul too. 😉 As much as some electic interiors are just too agresive for my eyes and soul, shocked with that much pattern, colour and co. just run away.
Good design is more then 50-60 yeears old and therefore not only a temporary trend. Bauhaus will soon be almost 100 years old, it is just timeless.
I am always suprised that it could be assumed that a "personality" can not be decluttered, spacious and light. Maybe not everybody's personality, but somebody's for sure. I also enjoy my home the most when it is clean, decluttered and sleek. It relaxes me and clears my mind.