Bruno Suet update

Posted on Fri, 5 Sep 2014 by KiM


World renowned French photographer Bruno Suet was featured here back in 2009 but continues to knock out photographs of spectacular interiors for some of the best magazines. To have the ability to set foot in some of these fascinatingly eclectic homes would be a dream. He is also quite talented at shooting gardens too…but more on that later. 😉

Sparky says:

Pardon the drama, but, G-A-S-P! These spaces are gorgeous! xSparky

oregonbird says:

The green room with the popcorn floor — that's an amazing pic. They all are, of course, but there always has to be one that's prettiest. Maybe you might look to arrange the vasery, books, etc. in a more modern line-up, but nobody else should be holding the camera. Mmm, shadows.

Jared Hayden says:

The aesthetic at work in the first place (pics 1-5) is heart-stoppingly breathtaking. Call the EMT. It redefines my notion of the "perfect bachelor's pad". I could easily move into any of the other spaces as well, and happily bring nothing but a toothbrush.

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