If you would like to participate in the Monday’s pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[@]desiretoinspire[.]net. Thanks!
This is our shy Olivia posing on the buffet under a painting I made of her father, a nomad white cat that visited our street and left us with this blue-eyed beauty…
– Ogenia (Israel)
My daughter’s cat, Tito loves the yellow chair in my studio.
– Anna (Campbellville, ON)
This is Cooper and Simcoe. Simcoe loves to snuggle on Cooper, and don’t let this look of indifference fool you!
– Crystal
This is Monty our Burman on an arthide ottoman, and LouLou a Visler/border collie cross both are 13 years old and much loved members of our family
– Lynette (Tasmania, Australia)
some other pictures of kasimir, who also seems to like very unusual spots… like our washbasin… or the niche above the couch in our living room, playing egyptian cat-god aside our african sculpture of a very thin man… and his favorite summertime spot underneath the garden table, there
he can sleep in the shade
– heike (graz, austria)
And from me – one of Felix’s favourite pastimes is driving me nuts while I blog. I got up for another cup of coffee one Saturday morning, turned around and snapped this photo (and I see this was taken before my floors were refinished = !!!!!!!).
Bernadette says:
I loved all the photos. But, Ogenia, that's a lovely story and a beautiful piece of art.
d of dogland says:
I love them all! I love the story and composition of Olivia's pic. Very sweet.
Tito lives in a really fun house.
Cooper and Simcoe look SO comfortable!
What is Felix focusing in on? Or is he spaced out? Oh no wait…this was before the floors were refinished. Ha ha…just poking fun. Felix has a sweet face.
Anna says:
Thank you Kim and Jo for Desire to Inspire! I must admit, I suffer from interior design envy!
And, of course thank you very much for including Tito and his yellow chair in the Monday's pets on furniture.
Greetings from Campbellville,
ombia says:
Beautiful pets. Touching story of Ogenia. And Felix 🙂