If you would like to participate in the Monday’s pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[@]desiretoinspire[.]net, or hashtag your photos #DTIpetsonfurniture. Thanks!
This is Ram, 5 months old Great Dane from Estonia, Tartu, It is misty rainy monday morning, and he is thinking about life on his chair 🙂
– Py
And a couple from me, featuring Felix on and Bernie under my Plycraft chair and Frankie on my vintage leather pouffe.
Julie says:
I love this for inspiration! Orian Rugs actually uses animals in some of our Instagram post!
the cape on the corner says:
that corgi is so cute! i love the two cats laying together, too.
Trina Dubya says:
That corgi has the sweetest face ever! And the two cats' faces … that is exactly how my cats look at me when I'm leaving for work: "Mom, don't leave! We're too cute for you to leave us!"
ohHolland says:
Modernica's GM, Lori Weise, is the founder and hands-on top dog of Downtown Dog Rescue in Los Angeles. Her energy and success in rescuing mostly pit bulls are legendary. As a dog rescuer AND mid-century modern lover myself, I'm doubly lucky to have her house just across the street from me.
KiM says:
@ohHolland 🙂 best neighbour EVER!