By now you’ll know that I have a thing for old houses. Give me a home with a little history and character over a modern build any day. It seems obvious that I would like this little cottage in Sydney’s inner east and yes it does tick the boxes for me but… I’m having trouble concentating on the house at all. I’ve been bewitched by the art collection. OMG! What I wouldn’t do to get my grubby, greedy mits on those glorious canvases. The house could be a hovel and I’d still want to move in. Can I buy the collection instead of the house do you think? Link here while it lasts.
Anne says:
Umm, could this be the house of Jennie Little??
Love it too
josephine says:
stunning!! i love it ALL!
Blanders says:
You're right, it's a gorgeous art collection, and the house is charming and beautifully laid out.
I'm amused by its impractical idiosyncrasies, though. Only one hotplate? Porous tiles in the master bathroom shower? A guest bathroom with a polished wooden floor that wouldn't last six months if it were actually being used? It's a slightly strange place.
Aimee says:
Oh I love it ! It must be so comfortable to live in such a simple but charming house !