A masculine apartment in Berlin

Posted on Mon, 26 Sep 2016 by KiM

I mentioned in this post last week that I am pretty much head over heals for interior designer Hubert Zandberg. There is no stopping his incredible talent, so here is another one of his latest projects. It is a masculine, earth-toned apartment in Mitte, Berlin and everything is so sooooooooooo good. 

Jared Hayden says:

It's fantastic. I'd definitely date the man who lives here.

axie says:

Oh, me too, Jared- even if he moved out, I'd stay on. And I'd hold the art hostage..

Blanders says:

I love the weighted brass pendant, and the creepy blue head on the couch.

I also have a LOT of questions about the zombie skater knife fight occurring on the top shelf of the closet, but I don't know if I actually want the answers…

d of dogland says:

A nice mix of some cool stuff.

Ummm, I'm not sure about the knife wielder and skater dude…I think they're in the closet.

Jared Hayden says:

That green Prouve-esque bench and articulated ceiling lamp FTW.

Heven Lely says:

C'est tellement sophistiqué, raffiné, harmonieux ! Il réussit à intégrer parfaitement des éléments un peu vieillis dont on ne voudrait plus chez nous, comme le tableau à fils dans le dressing ou encore la table d'appoint façon tronc d'arbre dans le salon, et c'est beau !
Zandberg est vraiment le meilleur

Pauline says:

Hi there!
I love this flat and I was wondering if you knew the material used to cover the doors (the cupboards) in the kitchen? Up and down.. this is really nice!!
Thanks a lot if you have any ideas..

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